Saturday, October 17, 2009

Family games

We enjoy playing games as a family. We each seem to have different priorities during the game. These can change depending on the game. Some can't wait to get it over with. I guess they have something more important to do. Others want to stomp the other team or players. Winning is everything! Then there are those of us who just hope we don't get stomped:) Mostly we try to make it a good time to spend with each other.

The other day we were playing Cranium Cadoo. My husband had one team and I had the other. We were one question away from winning. My poor husband's team kept getting combo cards where if we win the card both teams put a piece on the same square. In a tic-tac-toe type game that wasn't good. My team got many solo cards. Which was very good. We had pieces on the squares that they picked out and on the ones we picked out. Saddly, we had only been playing about 20 minutes and part of our family was going to get stomped royally. I let my team mates answer the winning question and put our piece on a square that didn't help us at all at that time. After their groans quieted, I said," Why don't we see if we can fill the board without there being a winner". Luckily my husband picked up on it and the game lasted at least 20 minutes longer and we were all winners. As it turned out the last space filled in gave both teams 4 in a row!! We don't play like this all the time. I usually get stomped good but I love the people doing the stomping so it isn't so bad.

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