Monday, October 12, 2009

Basketball anyone?

Two of my nieces play basketball. This is their first year (maybe second). We got to see them play the other day. It was nice to see how they are maturing and learning to play on a team. I watched them dribbling and shooting. It reminded me of when I was in school. I was in high school and one night I went to an open gym and one of the chaperones commented on how well I could shoot baskets. He suggested that I try out for the basketball team. I was surprised! I'm not the athletic type. But our school was small maybe I had a chance? As luck would have it, I never heard the announcement for try outs. I wondered what would have happened if I had made the team. I know some of my past experiences would have been different. I know I would have gained more self discipline and my self esteem would have gone up. I probably would be president right now if I had heard that announcement! A little silly isn't it?
We all have wondered if our lives would have turned out differently if we had done this or that differently. If we could go back we would change that one decission. What about what happened because of that change? Well just go back and fix it. Oops, Well go back and fix that one too. Easy no problems- except that one. I'll fix it! Would going back and reliving that time really change anything? Or would we just end up living in the past and miss the life that we do have? I believe that is why God did not make it possible for us to go back. He wants us to learn from our mistakes and live our lives in the present.
We all go through "what if" thoughts. Most of the time it is when things aren't going well in the present and sometimes it is when we are bored because our nieces aren't playing at that moment.

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