Saturday, October 31, 2009

From the Bottom Up

Have you ever started something from practically nothing? I'm attempting to start a group in our area. I don't believe I'm gifted in this type of thing. You know- organizing, coordinating, keeping people interested. Sometimes the thought of taking on something like this scares me. I like to be easy going / very low stress. I'd rather not do something that takes too much effort or time. So why am I doing this?

One reason is that I enjoy the activity, but for me that's not enough. The big reason is that I know that God wants me to do it. It'd been pretty cool too. We have made progress. What has been amazing is that every time I get worried and the doubts creep in, God reminds me to dedicate it to Him and He will do the work for me.

I've had a hard time coming up with a cheep place to meet. He then pointed out how big our living room, dining room and kitchen are. There is enough room there for us to grow a little and when that is full I'm sure He'll provide somewhere else.

Some times I worry that I'm all along. He reminds me of my friends who are eagerly waiting to take part and my husband who has been encouraging me. I am blessed with many people waiting to jump in when help is needed.

I was a little frustrated today. God then reminded me of a few of my other friends. I called and they know how to do what I'm trying to set up and are willing to help. They also know of a few existing groups that are further away but that we can visit and get some more ideas.

Am I doing all this for nothing? No, We are having fun building up the group and God has showed me many ways we can use our dedication to honor and glorify Him. May God be glorified in all that I do!!!!


  1. Keep your chin up!!! Your doing a wonderful job. I'm looking forward to it. ;o)

  2. God will always provide for you. He always will!
