Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hello and Goodbye

Hello this is my first post. I guess I shouldn't be saying goodbye. I am though, only for a few days. My husband qualified for a trip with his company. We are going with other managers to Washington DC. Sounds exciting! We've gone with them the last few years. The people are great and they put together a wonderful trip. I mostly look forward to time with my husband (he's great) and lots of food that I don't have to cook or clean up after. It's perfect my husband and food. What could be better? Well I must say that having the kids there would be great also.

Kids? Yes we have a hand full of kids. They are pretty good though. They add something special to everything. My Mom usually watches them but this year she can't. You know you're blessed when your friends start fighting over who gets to watch them. One problem though, we have a 1 yr old black lab mix who can't stay at someone else's house. Well he probably could but I may loose a friend that way and good friends are hard to come by. We decided to see if someone would stay at the house and watch the kids, dog, bunnie, turtle, the works. Its hard to believe but we have been doubly blessed- the teenage daughters of our friends volunteered. They are going to fill in for each other when the other has an activity. Amazingly I actually trust these girls with my children. How many teenagers can you say that about? So these young ladies are going to stay in our house for 3 days and look after our kids. God has blessed us greatly!

Se ya later!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! We too have been blessed with you guys as our friends. I value our friendship so much. I pray that you both have a wonderful, relaxing few days. How awesome to get away with your husband! Have a great time & we'll see you when you get back. The blog looks great.... I'll be anxious to see it "evolve" more into you. ;o)
