Friday, September 25, 2009


Hi, I'm taking a break from Washington DC.
We celebrated my youngest's birthday today. On my kid's birth date we have a little birthday with just the immediate family. Later we have an extended family birthday party. Today he got to pick out his special breakfast (pop tarts) and a cake and ice cream substitute (brownies- cake and ice cream is for the big birthday).
We had fun this evening.
My daughter wanted to light his candle. I let her.The first match went out when it touched the candle. The second one did the trick. She then blew out the match (and candle) all in one breath. The third match broke when she tried to light it. It actually flew and landed on the brownies! She picked it up and lit the candle with it. SUCCESS! She then picked up a tooth pick and lit it on the candle flame. I was very nervous. I made her put it in the sink before she blew out the candle again.
I took the cake into the living room
where he was waiting. It was so dark that I pretended to not know where he was. I walked around to everyone else while we sang Happy Birthday!! He knew I was teasing him. I finally 'found' him and we sang again. He had fun and really enjoyed his presents:)