Monday, January 18, 2010

Boy or Girl?

My daughter has been invited to a friend's house to stay over night. Many girls have been invited and I felt sorry for the girl's only brother so I invited him to stay over that night.

Tonight we were talking about it and one of the boys said that he's a boy so he'll stay overnight here and that only girls were staying at his house. I enjoy teasing my kids so I asked him,"What if he stays at home would that mean he's a girl?"

"No! He's a boy," my son replied.

"How do you know?", I asked.

"He has short hair, so he's a boy!"

"His Mom has short hair. Does that mean she's a boy too?"

"No she's a girl and he's a boy!"

"How do you know that he's a boy?"

"His Dad gave him a Y and his Mom gave him an X. So he's a boy!"

How can ya argue with that?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Adoption 4

The next thing we had to do were interviews. We met with our adoption worker 4-5 times and gave her more personal information about our family. The first was about our education and work history. The next was information on our parents, siblings, half siblings and step siblings. I have all three and my husband has step siblings he has never met. It seemed odd to need information on all of them. It was fun connecting with some of my siblings who I only see occasionally. We are terrible at staying in contact but we enjoy hearing from each other.

The next one was about my husband and I. Why did we get married? What do we like about each other? What things do we do together? What is our relationship like?... Our adoption worker wouldn't accept that we got married because we loved each other. We had to give more specific answers. I'm glad my husband was answering her questions first! How would you answer those questions ?

Finally, we talked about the kids and our discipline. How would you describe each of your kids? Any behavior problems with any of them? What activities do you do with them? How do you discipline them?... I have some trouble describing people. I kind of look at them as them. The whole package is who they are. It's a good thing our worker gave us an idea of what we would be talking about the week before. She did this each week.

Each session lasted about 1 hour. Every now and then we sent her an e-mail with more information. All this information will go into a report that will help match us with some children.

One of the final things we had to have was a home inspection. We had to put up fire extinguishers and fire alarms, put in outlet plugs, lock up chemicals and medications, ... The adoption worker came and walked through our home to make sure we did everything on the list. This is to make sure our home is safe. We passed.

Now, we are just waiting for the report to be finished so we can proof read it. Then finally we can start to actively look for children.

Al o What!

There is a song that has been used in cartoons. I believe it is french. It sounds something like this "Al o wet a. Jon ti al o wet a. Al o wet a. Ja ti plu ma ray..." We heard it the other day in a movie and were singing it to each other. I told the kids it was french and the youngest said he knew what it was about. I asked him 'what'. He replied,' it's about boats'. I asked him 'how can you tell' and he said because it says they are all wet!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hi ! I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New !

We had a quiet Christmas. We slowly opened our presents and enjoyed each other's company. Our last gift that we opened was a Wii game system. My husband had wanted to set it up and try it out when we first got it. It took a lot of self control for him to wait till Christmas! He did great. He set it up and loves it. Our kids love it too!

I actually don't like the kids to play video games too much. Last year we thought about getting a Wii but I didn't want another system(we have a game cube). This fall I tried out a friend's and realized how much movement you have to do to play some of the games. We could use it for physical education during home school! That was a big selling point. The systems also went down in price. Another big selling point!

Our New Year's Eve was a fun one. We went to a friend's house. We met new people, hung out and played some games. We also ate a lot! It was great fun. On the way home I was a little nervous though. I started to worry about drunk drivers. I think we went home early enough that they probably weren't on the roads yet, but I was still worried. It was kind of funny. We just left a party that had 10 adults at it and none of us drank any alcohol. We had fun and didn't need any help doing it.

May God Bless your New Year!!