Thursday, November 26, 2009

Adoption 2

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Our adoption is moving along pretty well. We should be done with all the info collecting on us. All this info is called the home study. It includes background checks, up to date physicals, and references. We provided a copy of many documents such as: birth certificates, marriage license, tax return, proof of insurance, driver's licence, will with guardianship plan, and photos of family.

We also needed to supply 6 names of references who have known us for at least 3 years. Family, nonfamily, neighbor, boss are most of the categories. Of course we picked people who know us pretty well and like us.(We like them too:)

Along with all this is an autobiography of the adoptive couple. That means that my husband and I each had to write the story of our lives. It was an interesting experience. Our adoption worker told us that it usually writes itself once you get started. It did.

Here are some of the guidelines we were given: childhood,teen and adult experiences both happy and sad. What were your father and mother like? brothers and sisters? dating, school, etc? How did you and your spouse meet? What do you both enjoy, how do you settle disagreements? What does your faith in God mean to you? Was religion a part of your upbringing? What changes do you anticipate with a child coming into your home? Add anything that you think has helped to make you the person you are today.

We ended up with one autobiography 11 pages long and another 9 pages long. How long do you think yours would be? What would you put into it? I bet it would be very interesting.

One thing I need to note is that all the info that is gathered is kept confidential. Nothing is shared without our written consent.

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