Thursday, November 26, 2009

A God like that

I was reading in Genesis the other day about the Israelites exiting from Egypt. It was pretty interesting. I've heard this story a million times but never really looked at a map to see what was really happening.

The Israelites could have left Egypt by going around the Red Sea. They were above the Red Sea and could have bypassed it altogether but God had them travel to a place between the Egyptians and the Red Sea. He had a plan.

When the Egyptian army pursued the Israelites He moved His cloud from in front to behind the Israelites and kept the two apart. Next comes the part we all know. When the Israelites came to the Red Sea, Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord parted the sea and the Israelites walked across on dry land. Amazing!

The Egyptians then followed. God slowed them down and when Moses stretched his hand out again, the Egyptian army was destroyed. This pretty much prevented Egypt from bothering the Israelites again. Also other countries thought twice about messing with the people whose God fought for them.

God led them where He wanted them, protected them, and gave them a way out. God was honored in it all and His people's lives became better because they obeyed.

What an awesome, loving God.

Do you know a God like that?

I do.

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