Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Doggie Safe????

Last year my brother and his family visited. It had been about 10 years since we had seen the whole family. One of the days we decided to go canoeing. We took our dog with us. He didn't like the water and it took some effort to get him into the canoe. He and my husband were in a canoe and everything was going well.That is until doggie leaned way over the side and it capsized---throwing doggie and hubbie into the water.

My husband took it well but doggie didn't like it one bit! He jumped back into the canoe. By this time the canoe was sitting on the bottom of the stream full of water.It was a hysterical sight to see this big dog standing in the submerged canoe-- very pleased with his achievement. He was 'safe' from the water now--silly dog!

Sometimes we do the same thing. We are in a safe place moving along progressing in life, then we make a decision that totally messes things up. We try to go back but things aren't the same anymore. We sometimes get stuck in that spot.

Our dog was stuck there. He couldn't continue down stream until something changed in his situation. My husband had to get doggie out of the canoe again, empty the canoe, then get doggie back in. It took quite a bit of effort to get them going again.

That's what happens to us also. We make that decision and get stuck. Sometimes we need to clean things up a bit, make a few good choices to continue moving along in life. Continuing the journey is very important.
One amazing thing that came out of that experience is that doggie isn't afraid of water anymore--- Hmmmmm...could that apply to our journey too?

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