Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Art and Ouch!

Art can come in many forms. We do a lot of impromptu art at our house. The masterpiece below is what happens when girl with wet socks meets dirty kitchen floor.

She is very talented :) Encouraging my children's artistic ability is a good excuse not to keep my house spotless. Right?

This little blurb is also about my daughter. She is growing up and has lived in a house where good natured teasing is the norm and we all enjoy it. I found out a few weekends ago that she is getting pretty sharp.

We were coming back from a parade on the 4th of July and I had decided to take the long way back. The kids were tired and weren't too happy about it. After I turned onto a different road I told them that it was the scenic route.

My daughter asked if it was a short cut. I told her that scenic routes usually take a little longer.

After a few twists and turns in the road, one of the boys asked if I knew where we were going. (He always thinks I'm lost)

I proudly replied that "I was raised on this scenic route!"

Not missing a beat, my daughter commented, "that must be why it took you so long to grow up!"

OUCH!!!!!!!! SHE GOT ME!!

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